Daily Vocabulary from Newspapers (Day 107)

Word & its Details

1. Foregone (Verb)

Elaborated meaning : precede in place or time.
Synonyms : departed , inevitable ,predestined
Antonyms : future , opportunity , approaching
Example : There is still 23 minutes left but the result was a foregone conclusion .

2. Overwhelming (Adj)

Elaborated meaning : very great in amount.
Synonyms : enormous, immense, inordinate
Antonyms : protecting , shadowy
Example : The overwhelming majority of voters supported their calls for reform and the end of scandalous political behavior.

3. Stints (Verb)

Elaborated meaning : supply an ungenerous or inadequate amount of (something).
Synonyms : extents , restraints , limits
Antonyms : begrudges , saves
Example : Their omelet chef makes excellent omelets and definitely doesn't stint on the ingredients.

4. Doughty (Adj)

Elaborated meaning : brave and persistent.
Synonyms : bold, courage, without fear
Antonyms : coward , shy , timid
Example : Then along came a doughty and persistent conservationist has fought to save the city's history

5. Excelled (Verb)

Elaborated meaning : be exceptionally good at or proficient in an activity or subject.
Synonyms : surpassed , beat, clouded, defeated
Antonyms : unsuccessful , ineffectual , fruitless
Example : He excelled as a promoted-opener and a tight left-arm spinner.

6. Astute (Adj)

Elaborated meaning : having or showing an ability to accurately assess situations or people and turn this to one's advantage.
Synonyms : shrewd, sharp, acute
Antonyms : ignorant , foolish, stupid
Example : Our leader is intelligent and astute , as we have seen with her handling of Iraq.

7. Embarks (Verb)

Elaborated meaning : go on board a ship, aircraft, or other vehicle.
Synonyms : commences , begins , starts
Antonyms : disembarks , descends , debarks
Example : Tens of thousands of refugees embarked for the United States.

8. Whisper (Verb)

Elaborated meaning : speak very softly using one's breath without one's vocal cords, especially for the sake of privacy.
Synonyms : murmur , low, mumble
Antonyms : scream , beg , accuse
Example : The police believed him without a whisper of doubt.

9. Immense (Adj)

Elaborated meaning : extremely large or great, especially in scale or degree.
Synonyms : huge, vast, massive
Antonyms : miniature,little, tiny
Example : They've managed to capture an immense sound, which is quite a feat for a three-piece.

10. Unleashed (Verb)

Elaborated meaning : release from a leash or restraint.
Synonyms : released , free , unchained
Antonyms : contained , controlled , reserved
Example : it is time to end the whisper campaign against Kumble unleashed by sections of the team and the BCCI.

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