1. Wedge (Noun) Elaborated meaning : a piece of wood, metal, or some other material having one thick end and tapering to a thin edge, that is driven between two objects or parts of an object to secure or separate them. ( पच्चर, చీలిక) Synonyms : slice , piece, share, section Antonyms : entire ,complete, full, part Example : he invested his wedge in stocks and shares |
2. Disdain (Verb) Elaborated meaning : consider to be unworthy of one's consideration. ( अवहेलना, ఇతరుల కంటే తాను అధికుడనని భావించు) Synonyms : contempt, reject, ignore Antonyms : respect , regard , praise Example : Neither side bothered to hide disdain for the opposition. |
3. Abrupt (Adj) Elaborated meaning : sudden and unexpected. (आकस्मिक ,ఆకస్మిక ) Synonyms : fast, unexpected, keen Antonyms : irregular, slowly, evenly Example : The CBI has conducted abrupt attcks on suspects and gatehered lots of information from them. |
4. Chasm (Verb) Elaborated meaning : a deep fissure in the earth, rock, or another surface. (खाई , అగాధం) Synonyms : break, breach, gap Antonyms : bond , junction , concluding Example : Trump Organization could eventually lead to a chasm between the White House and the Republican Party. |
5. Meddling (Verb) Elaborated meaning : interfere in or busy oneself unduly with something that is not one's concern. ( दखल, జోక్యంపై) Synonyms : offensive, bold, disrespectful Antonyms : subdued , silent , withdrawn Example : The highcourt medling in this may lead to new turn. |
6 Fierce (Adj) Elaborated meaning : having or displaying an intense or ferocious aggressiveness. (भयंकर ,తీవ్ర ) Synonyms : violent, vicious, cruel Antonyms : war, good, dull Example : The weather has turned cold with fierce showers that pelt like hail. |
7. Compulsion (Noun) Elaborated meaning : the action or state of forcing or being forced to do something; constraint. (विवशता ,బలవంతం ) Synonyms : force, violence, intimidation Antonyms : liberty,choice , freedom Example : My father doesn't put anykind of compulsion on me to do software job. |
8. Ingenuous (Adj) Elaborated meaning : (of a person or action) innocent and unsuspecting. ( सरल,అమాయకమైన ) Synonyms : naive, innocent, simple Antonyms : cunning, awkward, skillful Example : He has lost somuch in his life due to his ingeneous behaviour towards others. |
9. Steer (Verb) Elaborated meaning : (of a person) guide or control the movement of (a vehicle, vessel, or aircraft) ( रास्ते पर लाना,దారి చూపించు) Synonyms : guide, control, show Antonyms : obey , follow ,abandon Example : it is likely he will steer his vision into relality due to his actions. |
10. Perceived (Verb) Elaborated meaning : become aware or conscious of (something); come to realize or understand. (माना जाता है ,గ్రహించిన ) Synonyms : anticipated, seen, tried Antonyms : concrete , undetected Example : The aspirants of the banking sector are perceiving more jobs in IBPS PO than RRB's. |
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