1.Flanked (Verb) Elaborated meaning : be situated on each side of or on one side of (someone or something). (धार ,అంచు ) Synonyms : sided , edge, line, verge Antonyms : majored , backed , centered Example : We should go in with a flanking wing formation |
2. Bequeath (Verb) Elaborated meaning : leave (a personal estate or one's body) to a person or other beneficiary by a will. ( वसीयत में देना,ఇవ్వు ) Synonyms : give , provide, present, contribute Antonyms : adopt , accept , admit Example : His parents Had written a will to bequeath their property to their grand sons. |
3. Combative (Adj) Elaborated meaning : ready or eager to fight ( जुझारू ,పోరాట ) Synonyms : aggressive, argumentative, hostile Antonyms : aggreable,peaceful ,peaceable Example : Bramhananda reddy is showing his combative power against silpa mohan reddy in Nandyal. |
4. Harrowing (Adj) Elaborated meaning : acutely distressing. ( शोकजनक,అఘోరమైన ) Synonyms : shocking , painful, severe Antonyms : bearable , good , sustainable Example : They saw an harrowing incident of tiger eating woman. |
5. Confront (Verb) Elaborated meaning : meet (someone) face to face with hostile or argumentative intent. ( सामना करना ,ఎదుర్కొను ) Synonyms : meet, attack, disregard Antonyms : avoid , dodge , elude Example : I would confront my problems and deal with them. |
6. Abscond (Verb) Elaborated meaning : leave hurriedly and secretly, typically to avoid detection of or arrest for an unlawful action such as theft. ( फ़रार होना,తప్పించుకుతిరుగు ) Synonyms : run away, escape, bolt Antonyms : stay , remain , abide Example : You can not Abscond from the law. |
7. Glimpse (Verb) Elaborated meaning : see or perceive briefly or partially. ( झलक पड़ना, స్వల్పంగా కనబడుట) Synonyms : discern, spot, spy, sight Antonyms : examine , look , checkout Example : He glimpsed a picture beacuse it is in the low brightness. |
8. Wreak (Verb) Elaborated meaning : cause (a large amount of damage or harm). ( बदला लेना,శిక్ష, ) Synonyms : inflict, bestow, mete out Antonyms : reward , win ,improve Example : Pakistan cricket team Wreaked against tem india by winning champion trophy final. |
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