Quiz on 19th November 2017 Current affairs

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Q 1) Who has won Indira Gandhi peace prize ?

Q 2) Which company has launched feature to book cabs using computer in India ?

Q 3) World Toilet Day observed on 19th November, What is the theme of it for 2017 ?

Q 4) Who has won the 21-km Delhi Half Marathon on her road running debut ?

Q 5) Which state has announced waiver of all pending electricity dues of the Scheduled Tribes ?

Q 6) Which military has launched website to report fake news ?

Q 7) Where the AIBA Women's Youth Boxing Championship has started ?

Q 8) Where the RBL Bank has opened all women branch ?

Q 9) Where the Indian Oil Corp has opened India's first electric charging station ?

Q 10) What is the name of india's first India-Myanmar Bilateral Military Exercise 2017 ?

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(HH : MM :SS)

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