Sentence rearrangement 5

sentence rearrangement

correct answer = 1 mark & wrong answer = -0.25

A) One day he had to take an idol of a goddess to a rich man. He mounted the idol on a donkey and started.

B) The foolish donkey thought that people were admiring him. The donkey stopped half way through. It began to bray loudly.

C) At last the sculptor took a hard stick and thrashed the donkey. He came back to his senses and walked on humbly.

D) There was a sculptor who carved beautiful idols of gods and goddesses.

E) As they walked along people started to admire the idol. Some stopped to admire and some bowed in respect for the goddess.

F) The sculptor tried gentle words and actions to pacify it. But it did not move.

1) Which of the following is the fourth sentence after rearrnagement ?

2)Which of the following is the third sentence after rearrnagement ?

3) Which of the following is the first sentence after rearrnagement ?

4)Which of the following is the second sentence after rearrnagement ?

5) Which of the following is the fifth sentence after rearrnagement ?

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