Quiz on 17th December 2017 Current affairs

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Q 1)RBI has imposed a penalty of _______ on Syndicate Bank for non-compliance with its directions .

Q 2) Which state will provide a pension of Rs 1500 to transgenders above 18 years ?

Q 3) ‘Ekuverin’ has began at the Maratha Light Infantry Regimental Centre between india and _________.

Q 4) Which has appointed Manish Dawar as its Chief Financial Officer ?

Q 5)Where the Kovind has laid the foundation stone of the 'Nyaya Gram project' ?

Q 6)Where the Dharmendra Pradhan has inaugurated eastern India’s first compressed natural gas stations for scooters ?

Q 7) Who has won the 31st Moortidevi Award for the year 2017 ?

Q 8)Which is the first state in India to operationalise a law that makes social audit of government programmes and schemes ?

Q 9)Who has named BBC overseas sports personality of the year ?

Q 10) What is the official emblem for Beijing 2022 Winter Olympic Games ?

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