Quiz on 20th December 2017 Current affairs

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Q 1) Which has approved $125 million loan to India for the STRIVE project?

Q 2)Which has singned MoU with Sahaj e-Village for extending its banking service in remote areas ?

Q 3) Who has crowned 'Miss India USA 2017' ?

Q 4) Which bank has invested $400 million with European Investment Bank (EIB) in new solar and wind projects in india ?

Q 5) Which country parliament has approved a law banning all exploration and production of oil and natural gas by 2040 ?

Q 6)Which has planned to set up a Methanol Economy Fund with a corpus of Rs 4,000-5,000 crore ?

Q 7) Which is the sixth state to sign MoU with Isha foundation to save rivers ?

Q 8)Which state has planned to set up gaming hub and special school with UNESCO's MGIEP ?

Q 9) Who has inaugurated the first national-level training of trainers program in new delhi ?

Q 10) Which has launched Fixed Income Indices for Debt Markets in india ?

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(HH : MM :SS)

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