Reading comprehension 1

Reading comphrenesion

correct answer = 1 mark & wrong answer = -0.25

Finance Minister Arun Jaitley on Monday said the economic expansion recorded in July-September period marks the reversal of the declining trend of growth witnessed in the last few quarters.
During his pre-budget consultation meeting with the economists here, he said the government is following the road map of fiscal consolidation under which the fiscal deficit stood at 3.9 per cent in 2015-16 and 3.5 per cent in 2016-17 and is budgeted to be 3.2 per cent for 2017-18, said an official release.
Economists made host of suggestions for the forthcoming budget, including increasing social security pension, lower the corporate tax up to 20 per cent by removing exemptions, issuing long term 'New India Bonds' to finance pension and infrastructure, and hiking wages under NREGA.
Reversing a five-quarter slide in GDP growth, Indian economy bounced back from a three-year low to expand by 6.3 per cent in July-September compared to 5.7 per cent in April-June as manufacturing revved up and businesses adjusted to the new GST regime.
He said the government has been able to achieve fiscal targets due to focus on expenditure rationalisation, plugging of loopholes in public expenditure through Direct Benefit Transfer Scheme and the Public Financial Management System, and by making innovative revenue raising efforts among others.
During the meeting, economists also suggested that tax compliance can be increased by rationalisation of taxes and cost of tax compliance may also be reduced. In order to create more job opportunities, it was suggested to increase manufacturing to GDP ratio to 25 per cent and incentives to SMEs among others
Incentivising non-farm services in rural areas for increasing the farmers' income, bringing in more and more subsidies under Direct Benefit Transfer Scheme, more thrust to core Research and Development (R&D), and more outlay for bank recapitalisation were some of the other suggestions. Another suggestion was to give more thrust on disinvestment of Public Sector Units (PSUs) as it will provide extra revenue for bridging the fiscal gap and meeting the expenditure needs.
1) What is the Synomym of forthcoming ?

2) Which of the following is false ?

3) What is the Antonym of Thrust ?

4) Government has able to achive fiscal targets due to focus on _______ .

5) What is the Synomym of revved up ?

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