Banking awareness quiz 69

Banking Quiz
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Q 1) What is the minimum capital required for foreign banks to open branches in India ?

Q 2) Which of the following assists the Credit Guarantee Fund Trust for Micro and Small Enterprises (CGTMSE) ?

Q 3)MIPS are hybrid securities, combining features of preferred stock and corporate bonds , What is the fullform of 'I' ?

Q 4) CapEx are funds used by a company to acquire or upgrade physical assets such as property, industrial buildings or equipment , What is the fullform of CapEx ?

Q 5) Which bank will introduce the first battery-powered, interactive payment cards in the Indian market ?

Q 6) Which of the following has introduced Kisan Credit Card Scheme ?

Q 7)Which has become India’s first small area finance bank ?

Q 8) What is the minimum capital requirement for New Banks in the Private Sector ?

Q 9) Which is the chief regulator of commodity futures markets in India ?

Q 10) Which of the following is not comes under Qualitative Tools of RBI ?

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