Banks HQ's & Taglines Quiz 2

Banks & HQ Quiz
Take quiz from below

Q 1)Where the Headquarter of Indian Bank is located and what is its tagline ?

Q 2)Where the Headquarter of Oriental Bank of Commerce is located and what is its tagline ?

Q 3)Where the Headquarter of UCO Bank is located and what is its tagline ?

Q 4) Where the Headquarter of Allahabad Bank is located and what is its tagline ?

Q 5) Where the Headquarter of Corporation Bank is located and what is its tagline ?

Q 6) Where the Headquarter of Central Bank of India is located and what is its tagline ?

Q 7)Where the Headquarter of Punjab National Bank is located and what is its tagline ?

Q 8)Where the Headquarter of Indian Overseas Bank is located and what is its tagline ?

Q 9) Where the Headquarter of Union Bank of India is located and what is its tagline ?

Q 10)Where the Headquarter of Vijaya Bank is located and what is its tagline ?

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