1. Keel (Verb) ( పతనం, गिरावट ) Elaborated meaning : (of a structure) fall down or in; give way Synonyms: collapse ,drop ,faint Antonyms : ascend , increase , rise Example : it's going to take more wind to make this boat keel over |
2.Diplomatic (Adj) ( దౌత్య , राजनयिक) Elaborated meaning : of or concerning the profession, activity, or skill of managing international relations. Synonyms: conciliatory , gracious , polite , strategic Antonyms : rude , impolite Example : Iran agreed to resume full diplomatic ties with its former enemy Iraq. |
3. Evident (Adj) ( స్పష్టమైన, स्पष्ट) Elaborated meaning : plain or obvious; clearly seen or understood. Synonyms: obvious, apparent, noticeable Antonyms : conceal , doubtful , hidden Example : India's win in the match is evident but who will score maximum is conceal thing. |
4. Custodian (Noun) ( సంరక్షకుడు, संरक्षक ) Elaborated meaning : a person who has responsibility for or looks after something. Synonyms: keeper, guardian, steward Antonyms : enemy , opponent Example : He may own the majority shareholding but he is only the present custodian |
5.Leverage (Noun) ( పరపతి, उत्तोलन) Elaborated meaning : he exertion of force by means of a lever or an object used in the manner of a lever. Synonyms: force, strength ,advantage Antonyms : deficiency , weakness , fragility Example : He gets good leverage and has adequate strength at the point of attack. |
6. Contention (Noun) (వివాదం,विवाद ) Elaborated meaning : an assertion, especially one maintained in argument. Synonyms: argument ,conflict , controversy Antonyms : accord , agreement , harmony Example : One of the main points of contention is the executive compensation issue. |
7.Ally (Noun) ( మిత్ర, मित्र ) Elaborated meaning : combine or unite a resource or commodity with (another) for mutual benefit. Synonyms: associate , colleague Antonyms : enemy , opponent Example : Genuine reformers will look to teachers and teacher organizations as their allies . |
8. Haunt (Noun) ( సంచరించు , अड्डा ) Elaborated meaning : a place frequented by a specified person or group of people. Synonyms: hangout, stomping,ground Example : The bar was a favourite haunt of artists of the time |
9. Futile (Adj) ( నిరర్థకమైన, व्यर्थ ) Elaborated meaning : incapable of producing any useful result; pointless. Synonyms: fruitless, vain, pointless Antonyms : effective,fruitful,helpful Example : They do not show an act of suicide but an attempt, however futile , to escape death. |
10. Prudent (Adj) (వివేకం , विवेकी) Elaborated meaning : acting with or showing care and thought for the future. Synonyms: : wise, well judged, sensible Antonyms : careless , expensive , foolish Example :The action demanded by the ministerial task force is both sensible and prudent . |
Imp word : Gritty (Adj) (మెరికలుగా వుండే , किरकिरा) Elaborated meaning : showing courage and resolve. Synonyms: courageous, brave, plucky Antonyms : afaraid , cowardly Example : It took the genre back to its gritty and violently uncompromising origin. |
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