Day 139 Vocabulary (From Editorials)

Word & its Details

1. Congregated (Verb) ( సమావేశమయ్యారు, एकत्र )

Elaborated meaning : gather into a crowd or mass.
Synonyms: assemble, gather, collect
Antonyms : disperse,divide,scatter
Example : The Monitary policy committee has congregated to decide Bi-monthly policy rates.

2. Nostalgia (Noun) ( స్వదేశ భ్రాంతి , उदासी )

Elaborated meaning : A sentimental longing or wistful affection for the past, typically for a period or place with happy personal associations.
Synonyms: remembrance, recollection, wistfulness
Antonyms : cheer,confidence,excitement
Example : I was overcome with acute nostalgia for my days in college

3. Doughty (Adj) ( డాటి ,हिम्मती )

Elaborated meaning : brave and persistent.
Synonyms: fearless, determined, resolute
Antonyms : shy , bashful , Nervous
Example : it's been put back together with doughty resolution taken by Villagers.

4. Grit (Noun) ( దుమ్ముకణములు , धैर्य )

Elaborated meaning : small, loose particles of stone or sand.
Synonyms: sand, dust, dirt
Antonyms : weakness , timidity
Example : It is times like these that show the true grit of a team.

5. Assault (Noun) ( దాడి , हमला )

Elaborated meaning : a physical attack.
Synonyms: attack, hit, strike, aggression
Antonyms : evacuation, flight , departure
Example :The incident is being treated as an assault causing actual bodily harm.

6.Nurturing (Verb) ( పెరిగే , पोषण )

Elaborated meaning : care for and encourage the growth or development of.
Synonyms: tend, rear, support
Antonyms : starvation , deprivation
Example : Every institute is Nuturing its popularity through Advertisements.

7. Spur (Noun) (ప్రోత్సహించేది , प्रेरणा )

Elaborated meaning : a thing that prompts or encourages someone; an incentive.
Synonyms: stimulus, incentive, encouragement
Antonyms : block , deter , prevention
Example : planners were reluctant to commit to having a rail spur open by late 2010.

8.Cushion (Verb) ( పరిపుష్టి, तकिया )

Elaborated meaning : soften the effect of an impact on.
Synonyms: protect, shield, shelter
Antonyms : End , Edge , Extreme
Example : The fall of the dollar will cushion the impact of the oil price-rise and help contain inflation

9. Assertion (Verb) ( ప్రకటన , अभिकथन)

Elaborated meaning : a confident and forceful statement of fact or belief.
Synonyms: affirmation,allegation,contention
Antonyms : desertion,quiet,silence
Example : Each time he gets a black cube it confirms the assertion that all six cubes are black.

10. tweaks (Verb) (తీవ్రమైన ప్రయత్నము , बदलाव )

Elaborated meaning : twist or pull (something) sharply.
Synonyms: pull, jerk, tug
Antonyms : aid , flatter
Example :

Imp word : Niche (Noun) ( గూడు, आला )

Elaborated meaning : a shallow recess, especially one in a wall to display a statue or other ornament.
Synonyms: alcove,slot ,corner
Antonyms : closure ,solid
Example : he is now head chef at a leading law firm and feels he has found his niche

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