Day 140 Vocabulary (From Editorials)

Word & its Details

1. Reinstating (Verb) ( పునరుద్ధరించ , पुन: स्थापित करने )

Elaborated meaning : restore (someone or something) to their former position or condition.
Synonyms: bring back, reelect , renew
Antonyms : destroy,kill,fire
Example : PCA has done in several PSB's for reinstating their capital.

2. Prognosis (Noun) ( తెలుసుకొనుట , रोग का निदान )

Elaborated meaning : the likely course of a disease or ailment.
Synonyms: diagnosis, forecast ,prediction
Antonyms : calculation , measurement
Example : The doctors' prognosis has been supported by her recent competition results.

3. Latter (Adj) ( తరువాతి , बाद वाला )

Elaborated meaning : situated or occurring nearer to the end of something than to the beginning.
Synonyms: later, closing, end
Antonyms : beginning ,first ,initial
Example : he had support among the latter group

4.Exemplary (Adj) ( శ్రేష్టమైన , अनुकरणीय )

Elaborated meaning : serving as a desirable model; representing the best of its kind.
Synonyms: perfect, model, faultless
Antonyms : bad,dishonorable,poor
Example : The author and publisher deserve high praise for producing an exemplary model of its kind.

5. Soar (Verb) ( ఎగురుతుంది , ऊंची उड़ान भरना)

Elaborated meaning : fly or rise high in the air.
Synonyms: fly, climb , ascend,
Antonyms : decline,decrease,descend
Example :We run across the rooftop hand in hand and then soar into the air.

6. Nascent (Adj) (నవజాత , नवजात)

Elaborated meaning : (especially of a process or organization) just coming into existence and beginning to display signs of future potential.
Synonyms: burgeoning , fledgling ,growing
Antonyms : dying,,shrinking,withering
Example : The nascent signs of global recovery appear to augur well in this regard.

7. Mitigation (noun) ( తీవ్రతను తగ్గించడం , शमन )

Elaborated meaning : The action of reducing the severity, seriousness, or painfulness of something.
Synonyms: alleviation , cure , extenuation
Antonyms : increase , growth , boost
Example : This guidance also needs to cover best practice for mitigation and compensation.

8. Renaissance (Noun) (పునరుజ్జీవన , पुनर्जागरण काल)

Elaborated meaning : the revival of art and literature
Synonyms: rejuvenation ,rebirth , renewal
Antonyms : demolition, devastation , destruction
Example : The eminent player has played mathc with renaissance Power

9. Certainty (Noun) ( నిశ్చయం , यक़ीन )

Elaborated meaning : firm conviction that something is the case.
Synonyms: confidence, positiveness, conviction
Antonyms : distrust,disbelief,ambiguity
Example : she knew with absolute certainty that they were dead

10. Startling (Adj) ( ఆశ్చర్యకరమైన , चौंका देने वाला )

Elaborated meaning : very surprising, astonishing, or remarkable.
Synonyms: surprising, astonishing, amazing
Antonyms : Expetced , familiar
Example : he has a startling reason to offer about staying away from cinema for so long.

Imp word : Whispers (Verb) ( గుసగుసలు, फुसफुसाते )

Elaborated meaning : speak very softly using one's breath without one's vocal cords, especially for the sake of privacy
Synonyms: buzz , gossip , hint
Antonyms : silence , peace
Example : The teacher has punished the student who is whispering in his friend's ear.

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