Day 143 Vocabulary

Word & its Details

1.Succour (Noun) (సహాయం , परेशानी में सहायता )

Elaborated meaning : assistance and support in times of hardship and distress
Synonyms: aid, help , Assistance
Antonyms : damage ,harm ,hurt
Example : Music is the all time succour , as it helps in healing old wounds and hostilities.

2. Laudable (Adj) ( మెచ్చుకొనదగిన , प्रशंसनीय )

Elaborated meaning : (of an action, idea, or goal) deserving praise and commendation.
Synonyms: praiseworthy, commendable, admirable
Antonyms : disrespected ,unworthy ,bad
Example : Rohit sharma has played a laudable shot in the match against Australia.

3. Chronological (Adj) ( కాలక్రమానుసారం ,कालक्रमबद्ध )

Elaborated meaning : (of a record of events) starting with the earliest and following the order in which they occurred.
Synonyms: sequential, consecutive , in order
Antonyms : random , non sequential
Example : He has taken three wickets in a chronological manner and made his first hattrick.

4. Cohort (Noun) ( ఉమ్మడి ప్రయోజనాల కోసం చేతులు కలిపిన వ్యక్తులు , जत्था)

Elaborated meaning : a supporter or companion.
Synonyms: colleague, companion, associate
Antonyms : enemy , opponent , foe
Example : He's a cohort of Madhusudhan and he worked in the TCS.

5. pitted (Verb) (పోటీ పడు , संघर्ष करना )

Elaborated meaning : set someone or something in conflict or competition with.
Synonyms: contend , counter , set against
Antonyms : agree , go along
Example : He Pitted that the judge was wrong to have dismissed his claims in negligence, agency and trust.

6.Bureaucracy (Noun) ( పరిపాలన , शासन प्रबंध )

Elaborated meaning : the process or activity of running a business, organization, etc..
Synonyms: government, administration, system
Example : The federal bureaucracy , where millions of workers don't agree with the president, has been weak.

7. Exile (Verb) ( వెలివేయు , निर्वासन )

Elaborated meaning : expel and bar (someone) from their native country, typically for political or punitive reasons.
Synonyms: expel, banish, expatriate
Antonyms : include , welcoming
Example : he was an ill man and he died in exile from Germany when I was five years old.

8. Reinstate (Verb) ( విచారించాలనే , बहाल करना )

Elaborated meaning : restore (someone or something) to their former position or condition.
Synonyms: restore, return to power, put back
Antonyms : destroy , kill , fire
Example : The paper was reinstated and an investigation into the closing of the paper was organized.

9. Semblance (Noun) ( బాహ్యరూపము , दिखावा )

Elaborated meaning : the outward appearance or apparent form of something, especially when the reality is different.
Synonyms: atrocious ,deplorable ,extreme
Antonyms : concealed,good ,hidden
Example :she tried to force her thoughts back into some semblance of order

10. Persuade (Verb) ( ఒప్పించడానికి , राज़ी करना )

Elaborated meaning : cause (someone) to do something through reasoning or argument.
Synonyms: advise , assure ,cajole
Antonyms : discourage, dissuade ,fail
Example : he did everything he could to persuade the police that he was the robber

Imp word : Egregious (Adj) ( అతిశయించిన, प्रबल )

Elaborated meaning : outstandingly bad; shocking.
Synonyms: shocking, appalling, terrible
Antonyms : concealed, good,hidden
Example : If you do something outrageous or egregious enough, you can become rich and famous.

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