Quiz on 12-13th February 2018 Current affairs

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Q 1) Which bank has wrote off bad loans worth Rs 20,339 crore in 2016-17 ?

Q 2) Who has appointed HDFC banking head ?

Q 3)Where the World's first autonomous pods and world's tallest hotel have unveiled ?

Q 4) How many MoUs have signed between india and Oman in different areas including defence, health and tourism ?

Q 5)Who has appointed Brand ambassador of Muthoot Group ?

Q 6)Where the 12th International Conference on Corporate Social Responsibility has held ?

Q 7)Who has released India’s first ever Highway Capacity Manual (HCM) ?

Q 8)Which indian city has become the 12th richest city in the world ?

Q 9) Who has become the first Asian as well as the first Indian to swim across the Ocean Seven ?

Q 10) Who has become the first Indian golfer to qualify for the China Ladies PGA Tour ?

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(HH : MM :SS)

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