1.Unravel (Verb) ( చిక్కు విడదీయు, सुलझाना) Elaborated meaning : Investigate and solve or explain (something complicated or puzzling). Example : Politicians are always tried to unravel the other party's Unethical things. |
2.Abrupt (Verb) (ఆకస్మిక , आकस्मिक ) Elaborated meaning : sudden and unexpected. Example : CBI officers have done abrupt investigations on the suspect houses. |
3. Confrontation (Noun) ( ఘర్షణ, आमना-सामना ) Elaborated meaning : a hostile or argumentative meeting or situation between opposing parties Example : The issue of girl has led to confrontation between Raghu and his wife. |
4. Acrimony (Noun) (విరోధానికి , रूखापन ) Elaborated meaning : bitterness or ill feeling. Example : The whole area was poisoned by anger and acrimony . |
5.Rhetoric (Verb) ( వాక్చాతుర్యాన్ని, वक्रपटुता ) Elaborated meaning : the art of effective or persuasive speaking or writing, especially the use of figures of speech and other compositional techniques. Example : The problem is that using modernist rhetoric does not make one modern. |
6. Disarmament (Noun) ( నిరాయుధీకరణ, निरस्त्रीकरण) Elaborated meaning : the reduction or withdrawal of military forces and weapons. Example : The condition of its peace settlement in the early 1990s was its disarmament |
7. Conciliatory (Verb) (శాంతి పూర్వక , मित्र बनानेवाल ) Elaborated meaning : intended or likely to placate or pacify. Example : The conciliatory agreements between two countries always lead to peaceful life. |
8. Quest (Verb) ( అన్వేషణ, खोज ) Elaborated meaning : search for something. Example : Our whole society is based on the quest for knowledge. |
9. Galvanise (Verb) ( కూడగట్టడానికి, प्रेरित करना) Elaborated meaning : shock or excite (someone), typically into taking action Example : Political leaders are giving money to galvanise voters instead of doing good to people. |
10. Antipathy (Noun) ( ద్వేషము, घृणा) Elaborated meaning : a deep-seated feeling of dislike; aversion. Example : This antipathy towards fiction is a little difficult to understand. |
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