1. Referendum (noun) ( ప్రజాభిప్రాయo, जनमत संग्रह) Elaborated meaning : a general vote by the electorate on a single political question that has been referred to them for a direct decision. Example : He is the person who has won 90% of votes in the Referendum |
2.Inquest (noun) ( న్యాయ విచారణ, कानूनी जांच ) Elaborated meaning : a judicial inquiry to ascertain the facts relating to an incident, such as a death. Example : The inquest ruled that there is a sudden speedbreak infront of college that leads to death of the person. |
3.Fiercely (Adv) ( భయంకరంగా, प्रचंडतापूर्वक ) Elaborated meaning : in a savagely violent or aggressive manner. Example : They are fighting fiercely between each other. |
4. Exemplified (Verb) ( విశదీకరించింది, उदाहरण देना ) Elaborated meaning : be a typical example of. Example : The lawyer has exemplified the situation to the judge. |
5. Overwhelming (Verb) (అధిక , भारी ) Elaborated meaning : very great in amount. Example : Shane watson overwhelming batting made csk to win 2018 VIVO IPL trophy. |
6. Avert (Verb) ( తప్పించడానికి, रोक देना ) Elaborated meaning : prevent or ward off (an undesirable occurrence). Example : Dogs are intelligent enough to stay in the shade and avert their eyes from the sun. |
7. Roiled (Verb) ( బురదలో, घंघोलना ) Elaborated meaning : make (a liquid) turbid or muddy by disturbing the sediment Example : The river is roiled by the long-tail effect of a deficit monsoon |
8. Bountiful (Adj) ( ఔదార్యాన్ని, प्रचुर ) Elaborated meaning : large in quantity; abundant Example : The government should encourage farmers by providing bountiful price for their crops. |
9.Predicament (Noun) ( ఇబ్బందికర పరిస్థితి, स्थिति ) Elaborated meaning : a difficult, unpleasant, or embarrassing situation. Example : there is the serious predicament of an insecurity complex that cannot be easily resolved |
10. Compulsions(Verb) (ఒత్తిళ్ళు , मजबूरियों ) Elaborated meaning : the action or state of forcing or being forced to do something; constraint Example : This consists of recurring obsessions or compulsions |
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