1.Helter-skelter (Adj) (చిందర వందర , अस्त व्यस्त) Elaborated meaning : in disorderly haste or confusion. Example : He had made his life as helter- skelter due of his immature decisions. |
2. Interlocutor (Noun) (సంభాషణలో పాల్గొనేవాడు, वार्ताकार ) Elaborated meaning : a person who takes part in a dialogue or conversation. Example : This is the response I wrote to one of my interlocutors in the comments. |
3. Nudge (Verb) ( చిన్నగా తట్టడము, कोहनी से छूना ) Elaborated meaning : prod (someone) gently, typically with one's elbow, in order to draw their attention to something. Example : we have to nudge the politicians in the right direction |
4.Stifle (Verb) ( అణచివేయడానికి, दबाना ) Elaborated meaning : restrain (a reaction) or stop oneself acting on (an emotion). Example : Seniors must give oppourtunity to juniors without stiflling their talent. |
5.Subverting (Verb) ( కూలదోసే, को नष्ट ) Elaborated meaning : undermine the power and authority of (an established system or institution). Example : he will continue to find ways to subvert democracy in his own country.
6. Vested (Verb) ( స్వార్థ, निहित ) Elaborated meaning : secured in the possession of or assigned to a person Example : Pakisthan has vested interests on Jammu & Kashmir because it wants to occupy the region in it. |
7.Alienation (Noun) ( పరాయీకరణ, हस्तांतरण ) Elaborated meaning : The state or experience of being isolated from a group or an activity to which one should belong or in which one should be involved. Example : the government should get its message out on its vision for a longer-term resolution to reverse alienation. |
8.Triumph (Verb) (ఘన విజయము , आनंद मनाना ) Elaborated meaning : a great victory or achievement. Example : India has achieved triumph in the final against australia. |
9.Formidable (Adj) (భయంకరమైన ,भयंकर ) Elaborated meaning : nspiring fear or respect through being impressively large, powerful, intense, or capable. Example : Shane watson has played formidable innings against SRH in the final of VIVO IPL 2018. |
10. Unflappable (Adj) ( స్టేబుల్,स्थिर ) Elaborated meaning : having or showing calmness in a crisis. Example : His unflappable behaviour made him to reach heights in his life. |
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