1.Blended (Verb) ( మిళితం ,ब्लेंडेड) Elaborated meaning : mix (a substance) with another substance so that they combine together as a mass. Example : Costumes, music, and lighting all blended together beautifully |
2. Affordable (Adj) (సరసమైన , सस्ती ) Elaborated meaning : inexpensive; reasonably priced. Example : Government has to ensure that petrol must be avaliable for affordable price for every common man. |
3.Remunerative (Adj) (గిట్టుబాటు , लाभकारी ) Elaborated meaning : financially rewarding; lucrative. Example : Farmers did not get remunerative price for their crops although they cultivated them in drought conditions. |
4. Chunk (Noun) (భాగం , टुकड़ा ) Elaborated meaning : a thick, solid piece of something. Example : a large chunk of the biofuel is coming from the sugar sector. |
5. Envisage (Verb) (ఊహించు , परिकल्पना ) Elaborated meaning : contemplate or conceive of as a possibility or a desirable future event. Example : I do not pretend to be able to envisage all the various possibilities. |
6. Invade (Verb) ( దాడి, पर आक्रमण ) Elaborated meaning : (of an armed force or its commander) enter (a country or region) so as to subjugate or occupy it. Example : sometimes the worms invade the central nervous system. |
7. Contentious (Verb) ( వివాదస్పద, विवादास्पद ) Elaborated meaning : causing or likely to cause an argument; controversial. Example : He is known as a bold, often contentious director |
8. Burgeoning (Verb) (దూసుకుపోతున్న , तेजी से बढ़ते ) Elaborated meaning : begin to grow or increase rapidly; flourish. Example : India's burgeoning GDP has slowdown after several changes made by Government of India. |
9. Acrimony (Verb) ( క్రూరత, कटुता) Elaborated meaning : bitterness or ill feeling. Example : The whole area was poisoned by anger and acrimony . |
10.Perpetual (Verb) (శాశ్వత , लगातार ) Elaborated meaning : never ending or changing. Example : Indeed banks issue perpetual bonds that have no maturity date. |
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