1&2nd October 2018 Current affairs & Quiz

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Today's Current affairs

  1. first Indian state to offer a Wage Compensation Scheme for pregnant women working in the tea gardens - Assam
  2. World Habitat Day has observed on 1st october globally, theme of it for 2018 - Municipal Solid Waste Management
  3. SC Garg has announced a reduction in gross borrowing estimate for the current fiscal by - 70,000 crore rupees
  4. Head of committee to examine modalities for revenue mobilisation in case of natural calamities and disasters - Sushil Modi
  5. No of agreements have signed between India & Uzbekistan - 17
  6. Chief Economist of the International Monetary Fund - Gita Gopinath
  7. state has announced the setting up of a Ministry for cows - Madhya Pradesh
  8. the joint Multi-National Maritime Exercise IBSAMAR between the Indian, Brazilian and South africa has held in - Simons Town, South Africa
  9. Stae has topped the chart for state with the maximum penetration and Assets Under Management (AUM) - Maharastra
  10. three day Kalahandi Dialogue has inaugrated in - Odisha

Take Quiz from below

Q 1)Which has become the first Indian state to offer a Wage Compensation Scheme for pregnant women working in the tea gardens ?

Q 2)World Habitat Day has observed on 1st october globally, What is the theme of it for 2018 ?

Q 3)SC Garg has announced a reduction in gross borrowing estimate for the current fiscal by _____ rupees.

Q 4)Who is the head of committee to examine modalities for revenue mobilisation in case of natural calamities and disasters ?

Q 5)How many agreements have signed between India & Uzbekistan recently ?

Q 6)Who has appointed as the Chief Economist of the International Monetary Fund ?

Q 7)Which state has announced the setting up of a Ministry for cows ?

Q 8)Where the joint Multi-National Maritime Exercise IBSAMAR between the Indian, Brazilian and South africa has held ?

Q 9)Which stae has topped the chart for state with the maximum penetration and Assets Under Management (AUM) ?

Q 10)Where the three day Kalahandi Dialogue has inaugrated ?

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