Computer awareness questions asked in RRB PO Mains Part 1

Computer awareness questions asked in RRB PO Part I
Part -I Part - II
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Q 1) Which of the following is not a hexadecimal address ?

A. (1234) 16
B. (ABCD) 16
C.(12GH) 16
D. (5267) 16

Q 2) Convert (305) 8 into Decimal address ?

Q 3) Which of the following is correct ?

A.1 MB =1024 bits
B. 1TB = 1024 KB
C.1 GB = 1024 MB
D.1 Byte = 8 KB

Q 4)Every computer has NIC for physical address,What is the length of NIC address ?

Q 5) Which of the following represents MAC Address of the computer ?

A. (AB:CD:GH:MN) 16
B. (AD:HF:LM:NK) 16
C. (AB:CD:1G:2E) 16
D. (AB:CD:1C:2E) 16

Q 6) Which of the following is not a computer languague ?


Q 7) Which of the follwing is an System software ?

B.Adobe Photoshop
C. Assembler
D. Google Chrome

Q 8) What is the name of software program that transforms high-level source code that is written by a developer in a high-level programming language into a low level object code (binary code) in machine language as a whole ?

Q 9) Which of the following Operating system is not developed by Microsoft ?

A. Windows XP
B. Windows 8
C . Windows 9
D. Windows 10

Q 10) Which of the following is not a product of Microsoft ?

A.MS Chrome
B. MS Excel
C.MS Word
D.MS Access

Q 11) MS Access is an ___________?

A. Word processer
B. Spreadsheet
C. Database Management system
D. Presentation software

Q 12)What is the shortcut to open Task manager directly ?

A. Ctrl + Shift + Esc
B. Alt + Tab
C. Ctrl + Alt + Del
D. Ctrl + Tab

Q 13) What is the shortcut To insert a page break in MS-WORD ?

A.Alt + Tab
B. Ctrl+Enter
D. Ctrl+ P

Q 14) ENIAC belongs to which of the following Generations ?

A. First Generation
B.Second Generation
C.Third Generation
D.Fourth Generation

Q 15) Which of the following tabs of EXCEL the Pivot Table is located ?

B. Insert
C. Page Layout
D. Formula

Part -I Part - II

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