Quiz on Important Days in April

Important days quiz
Take Quiz from below

Q 1) When the International day of Mine awareness has been observed ?

Q 2) When the World Autism Awareness Day has observed ?

Q 3) When the World health day has observed ?

Q 4) When the World Homeopathy Day has observed ?

Q 5) When the International Jazz Day has observed ?

Q 6) When the Ambedkar remembrance day has observed ?

Q 7)When the World hemophilia day has observed ?

Q 8) When the World heritage day has observed ?

Q 9) When the World malaria day has observed ?

Q 10) When the National Civil Services Day has observed ?

Q 11) When the World Earth Day has observed ?

Q 12) When the World Book and Copyright Day has observed ?

Q 13) When the National Panchayati Day has observed ?

Q 14) When the World Intellectual Property Day has observed ?

Q 15)When World Dance Day and Day of Remembrance for all Victims of Chemical Warfare has observed ?

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Important Days in April :
April 2 nd - World Autism Awareness Day
April 4 - International day of Mine awareness
April 7 - World health day
April 10 - World Homeopathy Day
April 14 - Ambedkar remembrance day
April 17 - World hemophilia day
April 18 - World heritage day
April 21 - National Civil Services Day
April 22 - World Earth Day
April 23 - World Book and Copyright Day
April 24 - National Panchayati Day
April 25 - World malaria day
April 26 - World Intellectual Property Day
April 29 - World Dance Day and Day of Remembrance for all Victims of Chemical Warfare
April 30 - International Jazz Day

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