Quiz on important Days in June

Important days quiz
Take Quiz From Below (Correct = + 1, wrong = -0.25 , Skip = 0 marks )

Q 1) When the World Milk Day has been observed ?

Q 2) When the World Bicycle Day has observed ?

Q 3) When International Day of Innocent Children Victims of Aggression has observed ?

Q 4) When the World Environment Day has observed ?

Q 5) When the World Fathers’ Day has observed ?

Q 6) When the World Brain Tumor Day and World Oceans Day have observed ?

Q 7)When the World Day Against Child Labor has observed ?

Q 8) When the World Blood Donor Day has observed ?

Q 9) When the World elder abuse awareness day has observed ?

Q 10) When the World Day to Combat Desertification and Drought has observed ?

Q 11) When the National Statistics Day has observed ?

Q 12) When the World Refugee Day has observed ?

Q 13) When the World Hydrography Day , International Yoga Day and World Music day has observed ?

Q 14) When the International Olympic Day, United Nations Public Service Day and International Widows Day have observed ?

Q 15)When the International Day against Drug Abuse & Illicit Trafficking has observed ?

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Important Days in June :
June 1 st - World Milk Day
June 3 - World Bicycle Day
June 4 - International Day of Innocent Children Victims of Aggression
June 5 - World Environment Day
June 8 - World Brain Tumor Day and World Oceans Day
June 12 - World Day Against Child Labor
June 14 - World Blood Donor Day
June 15 - World elder abuse awareness day
June 16 - International Integration Day
June 17 - World Day to Combat Desertification and Drought
June 18 - International Picnic Day
June 20 - World Refugee Day
June 21 - World Hydrography Day , International Yoga Day and World Music day
June 23 - International Olympic Day, United Nations Public Service Day and International Widows
June 26 - International Day against Drug Abuse & Illicit Trafficking
June 29 - National Statistics Day
3 rd Sunday of June - World Fathers’ Day

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